Saturday 13 March 2010

Of Unicorns and Time Off

The photos I promised.. hope you love them as much as I do.

Full Time Traveller, Part time Worker

I am a workoholic who is currently part-time employed. I have put myself in this situation voluntarily.
The good thing about this is that when you are living in London there is always ways of keeping yourself busy, in fact most of the time I have found my self being busy doing nothing.
Watering my plants, tiding my room, keeping up my internet routine, doing drawing exercises, going for a run, drinking a cup of tea an hour, trimming my fringe and spotting new wrinkles in my face. Because lets face it, I am not getting any younger. In fact by now I should be married, thinking of having babies and paying a mortgage, instead I have chosen to live in a single room with flat mates younger than me. My boyfriend who is also younger than me lives five blocks from my house and when I visit I ring the bicycle bell so he can come down to open the front gate.
Yesterday after lunch I watched Blade Runner and took some pictures for your enjoyment.